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Holistic Counselling

Holistic Counselling supports the rebalancing of mind, body and spirit.

  • 1 h
  • $150
  • Virtual / Online Zoom

Service Description

Holistic Counselling supports not only the mind, but also the body and our spirit (our essence) bringing those vital parts back into communication with one another. What happens in the mind, lives in the body, which also impacts our ability to be happy, whole and in tune with all of life (Spirit). Just like when we are stressed out about something that’s happening in our life, we may experience headaches, nausea or stomach aches, which then affect our ability to feel good, to feel happy. So whilst we address the primary issue through talking, we also locate where it shows up in the body and clear the pathway of communication to bring about a feeling of wholeness and wellbeing within ourselves, that then manifests in our life and relationships. Holistic Counselling involves a unique and individualised blend of talking therapy, energy healing techniques and helpful tools and resources that support you on your path of Wholeness and Wellness.

Cancellation Policy

* Cancellation policy: 48hrs notice or more if you need to cancel or reschedule, I will charge a 50% planned session price for all cancellations or reschedules that do no meet the 48hrs notice requirement. Thank you for respecting our time together

Contact Details

USA +1-612-964-8093

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