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Writer's pictureAngharad Picton

We Rest in the Comfort - A Poem; In honor of Saturn, Venus and Aquarius

We acknowledge and honor the structures and systems that have held us in our lives, that have loved us in the best possible ways and also in the most restrictive of ways.

We rested in the slumber of these structures and systems knowing that we were comfortable because we didn’t know, what we didn’t know.

We rested in the comfort of knowing that we could pass along responsibilities that we were told were too big for us and so we gave our power away and hoped that we would be taken care of.

We rested in the comfort of our small lives, turning our gaze away from the decisions and consequences that impacted the lives of others that were inhumane and injust, because we feared the same consequences.

We rested in the comfort of the uncomfortable in our lives because finding new ways to be was beyond our reach and our comfort zone and so we stayed where it was “safe”.

We rested in the comfort of doing things out of obligation, because we believed that we had no other choice.

We rested in the comfort of being everything to another and that our needs were not important.

We rested in the comfort of fear because fear is what we are taught is normal.

We rested in the comfort of judging ourselves into depression that we were not good enough.

We rested in the comfort of staying small and silent because we were supposed to be seen and not heard.

We rested in the comfort of our shame because feeling pleasure was frowned upon.

We rested in the comfort of ignorance, because we were taught that it was a form of bliss.

We rested in the comfort of believing that someone else was responsible for our happiness.

We rested in the comfort of believing that there is only one perfect body type and anything else is unacceptable.

We rested in the comfort of believing that our sexual desires and fantasies were sinful.

We rested in the comfort of judging and condemning our pussy’s for not being on the orgasmic timetable of another.

We rested in the comfort of believing that we were only there for someone else's pleasure and we had to conform to whatever that meant, looked like and felt and this was how it was.

We rested in the comfort that our dreams were not important and so we forgot how to do it.

We rested in the comfort that what we had to say held no value or intelligence and so we suffocated ourselves with silence.

We rested in the comfort that if we spoke up, we would be declared liars and so we stopped speaking for ourselves and others.

We rested in the comfort that another woman was a threat to us and so we outcasted her and doing so we outcasted ourselves.

We rested in the comfort that all of this was normal and so we fell into a deep slumber because we were taught to forget who we were and how to be.

And now with the guiding light of the stars above, shining their light upon these systems and structures that put us to sleep, they begin to crumble and we begin to awaken.

And now we begin to rest in the comfort of being uncomfortable as we begin to tear down these inner and outer patriarchal structures and systems that have kept us divided - within and without.

And so we set fire to our insides for fun.

We invite these fires to rage as we rediscover our forgotten powers, our forgotten gifts, our forgotten dreams and so much more.

We begin to rest in the comfort of these hot inner flames igniting the passion for new life, for love, for pleasure, for that which we desire unapologetically.

We begin to rest in the comfort of the truth of our body’s ongoing remembering wisdom and courage of who we are, of who we’ve always been and seeing each other in this new light of awareness.

We begin to rest in the comfort that division is to die and unity is true love and real life.

We begin to rest in the comfort that what felt impossible is now possible.

We begin to rest in the comfort that we are not alone, because we are awakening to that which has previously put us to sleep.

We begin to rest in the comfort that we have been and always were connected with each other, through all of the lies that we were sold.

We begin to rest in the comfort that we are no longer alone and we know longer need to do this alone.

We begin to rest in the comfort of this truth and we begin to allow ourselves to simply rest and heal in all the ways that we need to, in the comfort and loving support of one another.

We begin to rest in the realization that we have all been held prisoners of these systems and structures, within and without and that we had all forgotten how to be.

We begin to rest in the realization that we are all in this together and it's time to start living that truth, as the single guiding light and love of truth in co-creating a sustainable and thriving future, in peace and harmony with all that is. Within and without, throughout all time space and dimensions. And so it is. And so it shall be.

May All Beings and Creatures be Happy and Free.

Photo credit: Above; Indastro online & Below; Sara Ballard

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