Full moon 🌕 in Sagittarius ♐️ is an invitation to attune to your mind, body & spirit and to journey through these portals to access higher knowledge and wisdom beyond this present now.
Expand beyond probability and embrace infinite possibilities. Go boldly towards that which is calling you and grow into your life’s purpose, your destiny. The legacy that only you can live and leave behind.
Access that inspiration through adventure in whatever ways that means for you.
Don’t delay. Make a start today!! You are abundantly supported 🔥
Here's an old Qoya playlist I danced with today, perhaps it may inspire you in believing in Infinite Possibilities. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ZxvhK0eyYrYztMboyTcnv?si=0f5df35ce4de4f4c
With Love and Possibility,
Angharad xo
Exciting new offering:
I am now also offering Astrology birth chart readings to parents as a parent educational tool to support their children during this deeply challenging time of mental health and wellness challenges across the globe post covid. If you would like more information please reach out via my email or simply book a one on one reading: email me at Angharadpicton@gmail.com
"Angharad and I explored my 12 year old daughters birth chart and what an experience it was. I have learned so much more about who she is. The great thing now as her parent I know which direction to guide her and also the best way to support her when she is struggling. Every parent needs to do this, it is transformative to your parenting journey and I could not be happier with what I have learned."
Photo credit: Google, Newearthcentral.com