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Astrology weekly weather report: Riding the Cosmic waves - knowledge is power!

Astrological Weather Report Week of March 13th

Astrology invites us to understand the cycles, seasons and patterns in our lives and can be a powerful healing tool for personal growth, evolution and healing. Astrology allows us to navigate our lifetime in alignment with the Universe. So this is one of those weeks where we would be wise to take note.

I felt really called to write about the astrology of this week and so here’s the forecast:

Tuesday March 14th:

Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces.

Mars is the planet of action and conflict, currently in Gemini (communication) in a square (tension) to Neptune, planet of Illusion, deception, dreams. Neptune, who is not concerned with what Mars wants, can come up against harsh words, confusion, hindering our ability to get the things done that we want. The best thing to do is to give yourself some space and allow time to daydream, take a step back and avoid being pulled into conflictive and argumentative situations. Journal, find ways to direct anger and frustration, don’t expect clarity, expect confusing information to be flooding through the various channels that we utilize for communication. This kind of energy is highly present throughout the week.

Wednesday March 15th:

Sun (Identity/creativity/ego) in Pisces joins Neptune in Pisces, indulging in creativity, fantasy type endeavors will serve you well. Gift yourself this time and space to float in these imaginative realms.

Thursday March 16th:

Sun (Identity/Expression) in Pisces square (tension) with Mars in Gemini: Who and what does not not align with what we want to take action on. Observe and take note. Be aware of your communication of this.

Mercury the planet of communication is conjunct neptune the planet of imagination, dreams and confusion: foggy communication, engage with imagination

Venus planet of relationship and finances squares (in tension with) Pluto planet of the underworld, the unconscious, death and transformation: Expect deep excavations and unearthing of feelings.

Venus moves into Taurus: Embody pleasure in whatever ways feels true and simple.

Friday March 17th:

Sun in Pisces joins with Mercury in Pisces: Clarity may arrive following the messiness of the week, go with the flow, let yourself receive information.

Mercury in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini: Connect and communicate with intuition, let it guide you forward.

Venus in Taurus sextile (supports) Saturn, planet of systems and structures in Pisces (intuition, empathy, consciousness itself): Linger in liminal space.

Sunday March 19th:

Mercury enters Aries: Courageous communication and what new information arrived from this past week that will support the pioneer in you?

Sun Enters Aries: Happy Birthday Aries

Monday March 20th:

Spring Equinox, Ostara: Balance and Awakening

Tuesday March 21st:

New Moon in Aries at 0 degrees: Affirmation - I am connected deeply to my purpose and take decisive, devoted and committed action towards it.

“Communications are weird and wild” - Chani Nicholas

This is the flavour of the week and as we approach the weekend we begin to come into greater clarity and understanding about what the fuck just happened. There will be a reorientation and recalibration on all levels. Supporting your forward movement and greater sense of direction. Also having a sense of humor - is an essential tool of these times, be wise with who and then how and what situations you insert this humor into though. Not everyone’s on the same page.

Stay grounded and present as best you can.

In Love & Solidarity - see you on the other side

Angharad xo

Exciting new offering:

I am now also offering Astrology birth chart readings to parents as a parent educational tool to support their children during this deeply challenging time of mental health and wellness challenges across the globe post covid. If you would like more information please reach out via my email or simply book a one on one reading: email me at

Acknowledgements and Gratitudes for resources:

Intuitive Astrologer: Virginia Rosenberg/ Luminescence Astrology Calendar of 2023

Astrologer Chani Nicholas/ Weekly weather forecast for March 13th

Magic of I astrological planner/ 2023


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