Intuitive Astrological Counseling
Basic Astrological Natal/Birth Chart Reading
Service Description
In my own interpretation Astrology provides the Soul’s blueprint for this lifetime - this blueprint information includes information brought forth from past, present and future lifetimes. Since the dawn of civilization, Astrology has been used to help navigate our daily lives, patterns, cycles and seasons. Guided by the positioning of the luminaries; the Sun and the Moon, the stars and planets, humans were able to determine when to travel, when to plant, when to harvest and even navigate the weather to name a few. Astrology invites us to understand the cycles, seasons and patterns in our lives and can be a powerful healing tool for personal growth, evolution and healing. Astrology allows us to navigate our lives in alignment with the Universe.

Cancellation Policy
* Cancellation policy: 48hrs notice or more if you need to cancel or reschedule. Thank you for respecting our time together
Contact Details
USA +1-612-964-8093